About the Project
29/6 - 3/7
Belgrade/Novi Sad


Dejan Mihailović (Mexico)
Collaborator on the project, professor researcher at the Monterrey Institute of Technology in Mexico, and visiting professor at the Rio de Janeiro State University
Graduated from Philosophy and Sociology at the University of Novi Sad, and received MA and PhD degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Latin American Studies (field: Political Philosophy). Research areas: political philosophy, political science, geopolitics, sustainability and development, international relations, ethics, theories of globalization.

Nemanja Džuverović (Serbia)
Collaborator on the project, associate professor in Peace Studies at the University of Belgrade (Faculty of Political Science Department for International Studies)
Visiting researcher at the University of Bradford (Peace Studies Division), the University of Uppsala (Department of Peace and Conflict Research) and the University of Granada (Institute for Peace and Conflicts). Research areas: social assistance in post-conflict environments, political economy of liberal peacebuilding and international statebuilding in the Balkans.

Bojana Kovačević Petrović (Serbia)
Collborator on the project, assistant professor for Spanish Language at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Novi Sad
Graduated and received MA degree from Spanish Language and Hispanic Literatures at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Belgrade, where she also received PhD in the area of Latin American literature. Research areas: Latin American literature, Translatology, Hispanic cultures, contemporary Spanish language, Hispanic drama and Spanish literature.

Raúl Fornet-Betancourt (Cuba)
Cuban philosopher, known internationally for his studies of culture and especially as creator of the idea of intercultural dialogue from the perspective of Latin American philosophy. He is the founder and director of the International Journal of Philosophy Concordia, and since 1995 he is coordinator of international congresses of intercultural philosophy. He currently works as a professor of philosophy at the University of Bremen, he is also an honorary professor at the University of Aachen (Germany), as well as a permanent visiting professor at the Pontifical University of Mexico and Unisinos University in São Leopoldo (Brazil). He has more than a hundred published works, articles, compilations and reviews, written mainly in Spanish and German, which have also been translated into several languages.

Alexis Toribio Dantas (Brazil)
Professor collaborator on the State University in Rio de Jeneiro, Faculty of economical Sciences, Department of economical evolution
Doctor in Industrial and Technological Economics from the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He has knowledge and experience in economic issues, with an emphasis on industrial organization, industrial studies and economic integration. Main investigation topics: Mercosur, Alca, Brazil, Economy and Brazilian integration.

Iva Čukić (Serbia)
Associate and lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade
She graduated and received her Ph.D. at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Belgrade. The direction and area of her research include the meeting points of the public space, do-it-yourself philosophy, self-organization and spatial-cultural discourse. From 2010 she is co-founder and member of the collective of the Ministry of Space, which deals with issues of urban development, urban transformations and policies. At the Department of Urban Planning at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade she is engaged as a visiting associate and lecturer.

Carlos A. Pérez Ricart (Mexico)
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Contemporary History and Public Policy of Mexico at the University of Oxford
Lecturer and Research Assistant at the Institute for Latin-American Studies, Freie Universität of Berlin. Graduated in International Relations at El Colegio de México and received PhD degree from the Freie Universität of Berlin in the area of Political Sciences.

María Tereza Toribio Brittes Lemos (Brazil)
Professor at the Rio de Janeiro State University
PhD degree in the area of philosophy and luso-brasilian thought. Visiting professor at the University of Warsaw on courses concerning Latin America, primarily Brazil. Fields of research: politics and culture. Fields of interest: American history, Interamerican system, social movements, revolution and entities. Member of the international network of the University of Warsaw, professional network Panamericana and Pan American Institute of Geography and History.

César Luis Díez Plaza (Spain)
Head of studies at the Cervantes Institute in Belgrade
He holds a degree in Hispanic Philology from the Autonomous University of Madrid (1995) and a Ph.D. in general linguistics from the same University (2016). Since September 2017, he has been Head of Studies at the Cervantes Institute in Belgrade. Within his academic activity, his interests are focused on general and theoretical linguistics, especially within the field of phonology, and he has published different papers on Indo-European and diachronic linguistics, and on aspects of sociolinguistics and linguistic policy.

Zoran Krstić (Serbia)
Professor at the Comparative Politics Studies, Regional Comparative Politics of Developing Countries and Political Systems of Latin American Countries
Visiting professor at "La Sapienza" University of Rome (Eurosapienza), at the University of Warsaw (Institute for Political Studies), at Komenius University in Bratislava (Department of Political Science). JFDP Alumni - 2004/2005, One-year Postdoctoral Study Visit in the United States, University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA (US State of Department Scholar). Head of Multidisciplinary Master Academic Studies "European Policy and Crisis Management" at the Studies at the University of Belgrade. Head of Scientific Research Center for Latin American Studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. Areas of scientific interest: contemporary political systems and processes in Latin America and Europe, presidentialism and parliamentarism as institutional forms of state-building and consolidation in developing countries, model of democratization and liberalization of political order in post-authoritarian societies (regional and interregional comparative analysis – area studies)

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