Time and place


July 8 - July 12, 2024


In person!


Belgrade and Novi Sad!


Andrea Jeftanovic

Andrea Jeftanovic

Narrator, essayist, and professor
Narrator, essayist, and professor. She graduated in Sociology and later received her PhD in Hispanic-American Literature from the University of California in Berkeley. She is the author of six books, Among her fiction titles there are Escenario de guerra, Geografía de la lengua, No aceptes caramelos de extraños and Destinos errantes. In the essay field she published Conversaciones con Isidora Aguirre, Hablan los hijos and Escribir desde el trapecio. Most of those works have been published in different Spanish-speaking countries and translated into Danish, English, Portuguese, Serbian, among other languages. Her works have received different recognitions, among which are Pen Translates Awards (UK), Círculo de Críticos de Arte de Chile, Consejo Nacional del Libro/Ministerio de las Culturas Chile, Premio Municipal, Juegos Literarios Gabriela Mistral. She participated in residences outside Chile through DAAD, AECID, Ford Foundation, and different USA and European universities. As a researcher, she worked on the line of memory and post-memory in authors from Europe and the Southern Cone. She also explored Latin American dramaturgy, with special emphasis on the figure and work of Isidora Aguirre, by editing books and being part of the team that organized the registry which keeps her theatrical legacy https://isidoraaguirre.usach.cl/. She combines her literary work with her role as a researcher at the Faculty of Humanities of Santiago de Chile University. She is a member of AUCH! collective and coordinator of Special Clacso Group Balkans – Latin America.
Rajko Petrović

Rajko Petrović

Political scientist and hispanist, Institute for European Studies
Rajko Petrović is a political scientist and hispanist from Serbia. He was born on the 29th of January 1993 in Loznica, Serbia. He graduated from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences in 2016 (department of Political Sciences) as the best student in the class, with a GPA of 10,00. He completed his PhD in Political Science at the same faculty in 2021, having defended the dissertation “The Role of Historic and Political Model of Spanish Regionalization in Secessionism Suppression in Catalonia and Basque Country” with a grade of 10. He has worked at the Institute for European Studies in Belgrade since 2018. He has been awarded different prizes, recognitions, and scholarships during his studies. In his research, he focuses on the sociopolitical analysis of Latin American space, the sociopolitical analysis of the Western Balkans, and the regional state model, regionalization, and balanced social development. He is the author of the following monographs: Spain: Secessionism Suppression, Political Systems of Latin American Countries, Political Ideologies in Latin America, and Regional Development of Serbia: Between Opportunities and Necessities. He is the co-author of the collection of works “Europe facing its colonial past”, editor of the collection “Yugoslav-Spanish Parallels”, and the author of more than 40 articles in scientific magazines. He speaks English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian and uses Catalan.
Gian Luca Gardini

Gian Luca Gardini

Full professor and Chair of History of International Relations (with focus on Latin America), University of Udine
Gian Luca Gardini is full professor and Chair of History of International Relations (with focus on Latin America) at the University of Udine, Italy. From 2014 to 2021, he was Chair of International Business and Society Relations with focus on Latin America at the School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences at Friedrich-Alexander University. He has previously taught at the University of Cambridge and at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. His main research interests cover the international relations of Latin America, foreign policy analysis, comparative regional integration, international organisation, and issues of international power, order and institutions. Among his recent books are The Redefinition of the EU Presence in Latin America and the Caribbean (Peter Lang, 2023, Claudia Castaneda Prize for best book 2020-2023 awarded by the Chilean Political Science Association), External Powers in Latin America (Routledge, 2021), and The World Before and After COVID-19 (EIIS, 2020). Prof. Gardini also acted as a practitioner of International and EU affairs. He was project manager for several EU consulting firms, Representative to the EU of the Italian Confederation of Industry, and International Trade Advisor to EUROCHAMBRES, the European Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry. In 2012, he was seconded officer to the Chilean Foreign Ministry working in the team that organised the EU-Latin American and Caribbean Summit. He was a Visiting Professor at Shandong University in the PRC, the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia, the University of Venice and Bologna in Italy. Most recently he produced a documentary on Carlos Saavedra Lamas, the first Latin American Nobel Prize laureate.
Aleksandra Perišić

Aleksandra Perišić

Vice-dean for academic affairs, Faculty of Media and Communications
Graduated in comparative literature and mathematics from Columbia University in New York, USA. She received her doctorate in 2014 from the Department of Comparative Literature at Columbia University, where she defended her doctoral dissertation "Contesting Globalization in the Atlantic World Economy". From 2014 to 2021, she taught at the University of Miami, first as assistant and then as associate professor. Since 2021, she has been teaching at the Faculty of Media and Communications in Belgrade, where she is also the vice-dean for academic affairs. In 2019, she published her first book entitled Precarious Crossings: Immigration, Neoliberalism and the Atlantic (Ohio State University Press). She is the author of numerous articles in the field of postcolonial theory and literature, cultural studies, and education.
Maja T. Izquierdo

Maja T. Izquierdo

Full professor, University Union Nikola Tesla
Professor dr. Maja T. Izquierdo is a full professor at the University Union Nikola Tesla in Belgrade. Her academic trajectory includes studies in Serbia, Peru, and Spain. She grew up between Belgrade and the Peruvian Amazon jungle, where she learned about the inequality and struggles of the indigenous collectives, among other things. She is a landscape architect, psychologist, and chairwoman of the Serbian-Peruvian Friendship Association.
José Ángel Ruiz Jiménez

José Ángel Ruiz Jiménez

Associate professor, University of Granada
He earned his PhD from the University of Granada and holds a European Master in Human Rights from the University of Padua. He was a professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York from 2006 to 2008. He was also a visiting professor and researcher at different universities in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Colombia, the UK, Germany, Palestine, Ukraine, México, Peru, Somaliland, and Italy. He is an associate professor at the Contemporary History Department and Head of the Institute for Peace and Conflicts of the University of Granada.
Alexis Dantas

Alexis Dantas

Associate Professor, State University of Rio de Janeiro
Master of Economic Sciences from the Rio de Janeiro Federal University and PhD in Industry and Technological Economy from the same university. He completed the post-graduate program at the Center for Latin American Studies (CESLA), University of Warsaw. He is an Associate Professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Faculty of Economic Sciences at the Department of Economic Evolution. He is experienced in the areas of economy and international relations. As a proscientist at UERJ, he works in the Economy and International Relations post-graduation programs. He is the coordinator of Nucleus of the American Studies (NUCLEAS) at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), he was Vice-dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences (FCE) of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) from 2016 to 2019 and is the actual dean of that academic institution. He has published articles in the area of his academic interest with an emphasis on the Brazilian and Chilean economy, and recently, he started developing the idea of a New Project Economy in partnership with Elias Jabbour (UERJ) and Carlos Espíndola (UFSC) based on the original concept by Ignacio Rangel, as a base for the economic and social formation of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


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Jelena Spasojević

Jelena Spasojević

Project Coordinator
Tijana Čupić

Tijana Čupić

Program Coordinator
Anđela Gašić

Anđela Gašić

Logistics Coordinator
Ivana Matić

Ivana Matić

Visual Designer
Marija Tucakov

Marija Tucakov

Visual Designer
Anđela Ris

Anđela Ris

Ilija Stevanovski

Ilija Stevanovski

Translator and Interpreter
Milica Lilić

Milica Lilić

Lana Čubrić

Lana Čubrić


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